As a 19 year old sophomore in college, I believe life isn’t meant to be lived in the comfort zone.

I’m Drew Menifee, and ever since I moved from my hometown in Texas up to Salt Lake City, Utah, I’ve spent my time climbing Utah’s mountains, solo traveling the southwest, and adventuring with my friends to chase the feelings of “discomfort,” and truly grow outside my comfort zone.

As an Outdoor Education and Adventure Media major, I combine my understandings of outdoor recreation with my passion for adventure photography and videography to tell stories about what happens when you step out of your comfort zone, and step into the adventure of a lifetime!

I create photo/video content inspired by my “Discomfort Journal” bucket list for my Instagram and YouTube channel @drews.discomfortjournal, and outdoor trip and product promotion for the Westminster University Outdoor Program, and Philmont Scout Ranch. I am dedicated to producing high quality photo and video content for outdoor brands and collaborators!
